PDM Success Principles

Helping you get from where you are to where you want to be

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There!

Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There! 5 Powerful Tips for Taking Action (or Not)Column By Rebecca Fine

1. Action is, surprisingly, the last and least important step in the science of getting rich. But most of us have been taught exactly the opposite.

We think our action—what we DO—is what creates the results we get.

That’s backwards. In fact, most of the action that fills our days seems necessary precisely because we aren’t paying attention to our thoughts, because we don’t really get it that we are creating our experience through our thinking.

So most of our action is actually just trying to clean up or compensate for the results of our misdirected thinking.

Your way of doing things, Wally says, is the direct result of the way you THINK. So get the THOUGHT right first and let all your ACTION flow from that.

“This is the first step toward getting rich.”

2. “Inspired Action Only.”

Those simple words appear on little sticky notes on my computer, in my car and elsewhere as reminders to make sure that what I DO comes from real inspiration instead of from mere motivation.

What’s the difference?

Inspired action is action taken when everything on the “inside” is so right that the action seems altogether natural and like it’s the obvious next step.

Motivated action is action taken because of outside influences triggering emotions like fear, envy, anger, etc.

There’s NO point in taking ANY action until you’re completely clear on what it is you desire and you are feeling enthusiasm and happiness whenever the thought of it enters your head. THEN any action you take will be INSPIRED by that thought and feeling.

That’s far better than taking action—well-planned or not -- that’s merely MOTIVATED by anything else.

When you’re about to burst with the delicious desire to swing into action, when it seems like, “Of course this is the right thing for me to do right now and I can’t wait to get started,” then you’re on-track.

Here’s the quick way to tell:
Inspired action—“Wow, I could do this and the results could be fantastic!”
Merely motivated action—“Uh oh, if I don’t do this, all these awful things will probably happen.”

3. “When you are in doubt, wait.”

That’s what our pal Wally Wattles advises.

He goes on to say that “A day or two spent in contemplating the vision of what you want and in earnest thanksgiving that you are getting it will bring your mind into such close relationship with the Supreme that you will make no mistake when you do act.”

Remember: There is never any hurry on the creative plane. So when you find yourself fretting, falling into that stressful, pressured feeling of needing to DO SOMETHING, realize that the feeling is your warning signal that your thinking is actually focused on something you don’t want or on the absence of what you do want. It’s a sure sign you’ve fallen into competitive mind.

And ultimately the results of that kind of thinking and the action that grows out of it can never bring you what you want—not in any lasting, deeply satisfying way.

(Yes, you might very well achieve a goal through struggle and pain but that’s the HARD way, not the FUN way. And since the ONLY reason any of us ever want ANYTHING is because we think we’ll feel better with it than without it, what’s the point of feeling awful on the way to it? Your JOY is the key to everything. And it’s a choice you make in every moment.)

Here’s a bonus: The more you actually choose to spend time focusing on what you desire to the point of feeling it all around you NOW as if it were already a done deal ...
... the LESS action you will ever need to take!

And the action you do take will only ever be inspired action, the enjoyable kind you don’t have any concern over.

(None of that nagging self-doubt: Is this the right thing to do? Should I do this now? Should I do something else? Should I ____?)

You’ll just see it clearly and follow it with faith and purpose.

4. Wally writes:

“Every action is either strong or weak, and when every action is strong, you are acting in the certain way which will make you rich.

“Every act can be made strong and efficient by holding your vision while you are doing it and putting the whole power of your FAITH and PURPOSE into it.”

He goes on to tell us that “holding your vision” doesn’t mean that you have to be constantly visualizing whatever it is you want. You just need to be really clear about what you want and why you want it—so clear that the quickest thought of it lights you up with delight and you become (as Wally says) “enthused with its bright promises.”

He warns us that people who fail in the science of getting rich do so because they “separate mental power from personal action.”

See, this idea of your “clear, mental image” doesn’t mean that you think positive thoughts and visualize a few minutes a day and then get back to “normal” thinking—all the worrying, complaining, fretting, stewing, disliking, and so on.

To keep your thought and action strong, you just need to keep your focus, faith, and feeling in harmony with what you desire, in the direction of abundance and plenty.

And here’s yet another bonus to this system: Thinking about what you like instead of the opposite is way more enjoyable!

How do you know when your thinking is in harmony with your “clear mental image” of what you desire?

It’s easy!

Just pay attention to how you FEEL. Your feelings will always show you where your thoughts are really focused.

5. To sum up: Choose thoughts that focus your attention on things you desire, things you like, approve of, enjoy, delight in. Let go of thoughts that take you in the other direction.

When you get into the habit of thinking strong thoughts like these, any action you need to take will be clear and the opportunity and means to take that action will present themselves naturally.

It’ll be enjoyable and feel effortless—not like “work” at all. When your faith is strong, you can relax into the experience.

And what you create and attract into your life through this delightful, enjoyable certain way thinking and action will be wonderful in every way.
“How would I be doing this differently if I were willing to let this be EASY?” (And FUN!)
Rebecca Fine is the founder of The Science of Getting Rich Network where you can download your complimentary copy of the amazing 1910 forgotten classic, The Science of Getting Rich by visiting through the following link:
http://getmotivation.com/qk.cgi/sogr - © Certain Way Productions.


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