The Buck Stops Here: Taking Personal Responsibility For A Happier Life by Krissy Jackson
Have you ever paused to reflect how, in life, when you have taken total responsibility for something, it got done?
It may have been something small. Planning a party perhaps. Or cleaning out a messy old room.
At other times it was larger. Completing an important project at work. Being there for a friend who needed help at a critical time. It might even have been a major life issue. Raising a child. Moving to a new city.
No matter what it was, the moment you decided to take full responsibility and made the commitment to do it, there was no doubt in your mind that you would succeed. And sure enough, you did it.
Likewise, I'm sure you can remember a time or two where neither you nor anyone else took responsibility for something that you wanted to achieve. Naturally it never happened, of course, because no one took responsibility! The examples will be different for each of us, but the principle remains the same: When no one takes responsibility for an idea, it remains just that... an idea.
So how does this apply to our lives and ultimately our happiness?
Have you ever gone through a difficult time in your life? A period when you felt helpless and powerless to deal with your circumstances and destiny? We all have. I'm sure many of us have experienced the heartbreak of broken relationships, the uncertainty resulting from the loss of a job, or the sadness of the loss of a loved one.
The easiest thing to do in times like these is to blame other people or circumstances for your life, your state of mind, your finances and career. For example, it's so easy to blame a broken relationship for destroying your ability to love again.
But blame is a very disempowering emotion. It places on others the responsibility for your life, your emotions, your self.
Looking back at the moments when you accepted responsibility for a task and ultimately achieved it and compare it to those other moments when no one took responsibility and nothing was achieved ... you begin to appreciate the dramatic power of that one single act of taking total responsibility.
So you have a problem and you have a good excuse for living with it, right? You're...
your parents raised you wrong...
the school didn't teach you the right thing...
the system is against you...
you're broke...
you can't do anything right...
you made a lot of mistakes...
... the list goes on and on. And there's nothing you can do about it because you are:
too young
too old
not pretty enough
too beautiful
you won't conform
you're a pushover
you don't have any money.
Just take your pick of cookie cutter excuses and explanations to avoid taking responsibility and continue playing the victim. You know you do it - we've all done it! It's much easier to blame others. Playing the victim gives us something we crave - attention... because many women confuse attention with love. Blaming makes us feel better, but it does not solve problems. And something even worse happens: when we allow someone or something else to become responsible for us, we give up our personal power. The power to make decisions about our own lives, and to control our destiny. Are you willing to take that kind of chance with your life?
You are responsible for deciding who you are and for choosing any future paths you take in your life.
You cannot change people or circumstances. The only thing you can change is yourself and the way you react to the challenges in your life. Some people go through their lives blaming others, living out their days in endless hopelessness and despair. But, with the exception of child abuse or losing someone you love, no one can do anything to you that you do not give them the permission to do. Did you catch that - I'll repeat it again because it's so important:
No one can do anything to you that you do not give them the permission to do.
I'll be the first to admit that it takes a lot of courage to accept that you're the way you are because of the choices you've made in your life. But it can be very empowering indeed.
The simple act of taking responsibility for yourself and your life is the first step towards picking up the pieces and moving on. When you shift the onus of change to yourself, the constraints of the past are lifted and you can be anything you choose to be.
And just like when you set your mind to complete a task and fully committed to achieving it, you will succeed at healing yourself from the inside out.
True empowerment starts from within. It comes from your willingness to be responsible for what is happening to you, your life and your world. At some point in our lives we all face adversity. Some of us blame others, while others see their own responsibility and get on with their lives. The way we deal with our pain and let it transform us, makes the difference between winning and losing the battle.
In Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T. Harv Eker wrote something very profound which I've modified to apply it to your personal lives and written it for you here:
It's time to decide. You can be a viction or you can be happy, but you can't be both. Listen up! Every time, and I mean every time, you blame, justify, or complain, you are slitting your throat. Sure it would be nice to use a kinder and gentler metaphor, but forget it. I'm not interested in kind or gentle right now. I'm interested in helping you see exactly what the heck you're doing to yourself!
It's time to take back your power and acknowledge that you create everything that is in your life and everything that is not in it. Realize that you create your happniess, your despair, and every level in between.
When you take responsibility for your own life and your own actions and act to transform your life from within is when you are truly become the master of your own destiny.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. It's not so much what happens to you in life, but how you handle it... how you respond. Don't waste any more time playing the blame game. The buck stops with you. You CAN be happy... if only you would choose to be.
Be happy now.
by Krissy Jackson
It may have been something small. Planning a party perhaps. Or cleaning out a messy old room.
At other times it was larger. Completing an important project at work. Being there for a friend who needed help at a critical time. It might even have been a major life issue. Raising a child. Moving to a new city.
No matter what it was, the moment you decided to take full responsibility and made the commitment to do it, there was no doubt in your mind that you would succeed. And sure enough, you did it.
Likewise, I'm sure you can remember a time or two where neither you nor anyone else took responsibility for something that you wanted to achieve. Naturally it never happened, of course, because no one took responsibility! The examples will be different for each of us, but the principle remains the same: When no one takes responsibility for an idea, it remains just that... an idea.
So how does this apply to our lives and ultimately our happiness?
Have you ever gone through a difficult time in your life? A period when you felt helpless and powerless to deal with your circumstances and destiny? We all have. I'm sure many of us have experienced the heartbreak of broken relationships, the uncertainty resulting from the loss of a job, or the sadness of the loss of a loved one.
The easiest thing to do in times like these is to blame other people or circumstances for your life, your state of mind, your finances and career. For example, it's so easy to blame a broken relationship for destroying your ability to love again.
But blame is a very disempowering emotion. It places on others the responsibility for your life, your emotions, your self.
Looking back at the moments when you accepted responsibility for a task and ultimately achieved it and compare it to those other moments when no one took responsibility and nothing was achieved ... you begin to appreciate the dramatic power of that one single act of taking total responsibility.
So you have a problem and you have a good excuse for living with it, right? You're...
your parents raised you wrong...
the school didn't teach you the right thing...
the system is against you...
you're broke...
you can't do anything right...
you made a lot of mistakes...
... the list goes on and on. And there's nothing you can do about it because you are:
too young
too old
not pretty enough
too beautiful
you won't conform
you're a pushover
you don't have any money.
Just take your pick of cookie cutter excuses and explanations to avoid taking responsibility and continue playing the victim. You know you do it - we've all done it! It's much easier to blame others. Playing the victim gives us something we crave - attention... because many women confuse attention with love. Blaming makes us feel better, but it does not solve problems. And something even worse happens: when we allow someone or something else to become responsible for us, we give up our personal power. The power to make decisions about our own lives, and to control our destiny. Are you willing to take that kind of chance with your life?
You are responsible for deciding who you are and for choosing any future paths you take in your life.
You cannot change people or circumstances. The only thing you can change is yourself and the way you react to the challenges in your life. Some people go through their lives blaming others, living out their days in endless hopelessness and despair. But, with the exception of child abuse or losing someone you love, no one can do anything to you that you do not give them the permission to do. Did you catch that - I'll repeat it again because it's so important:
No one can do anything to you that you do not give them the permission to do.
I'll be the first to admit that it takes a lot of courage to accept that you're the way you are because of the choices you've made in your life. But it can be very empowering indeed.
The simple act of taking responsibility for yourself and your life is the first step towards picking up the pieces and moving on. When you shift the onus of change to yourself, the constraints of the past are lifted and you can be anything you choose to be.
And just like when you set your mind to complete a task and fully committed to achieving it, you will succeed at healing yourself from the inside out.
True empowerment starts from within. It comes from your willingness to be responsible for what is happening to you, your life and your world. At some point in our lives we all face adversity. Some of us blame others, while others see their own responsibility and get on with their lives. The way we deal with our pain and let it transform us, makes the difference between winning and losing the battle.
In Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T. Harv Eker wrote something very profound which I've modified to apply it to your personal lives and written it for you here:
It's time to decide. You can be a viction or you can be happy, but you can't be both. Listen up! Every time, and I mean every time, you blame, justify, or complain, you are slitting your throat. Sure it would be nice to use a kinder and gentler metaphor, but forget it. I'm not interested in kind or gentle right now. I'm interested in helping you see exactly what the heck you're doing to yourself!
It's time to take back your power and acknowledge that you create everything that is in your life and everything that is not in it. Realize that you create your happniess, your despair, and every level in between.
When you take responsibility for your own life and your own actions and act to transform your life from within is when you are truly become the master of your own destiny.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. It's not so much what happens to you in life, but how you handle it... how you respond. Don't waste any more time playing the blame game. The buck stops with you. You CAN be happy... if only you would choose to be.
Be happy now.
by Krissy Jackson